X-Con 2025 Speakers
Women of Conspiracies

Eesha patel
Our Hidden Galactic History
Description: In many communities it is well known that we come from the stars. Even many indigenous tribes know this. Why then do our history textbooks tell such a different story? In this presentation we will uncover the truth about our galactic history and why this knowledge and remembering has been hidden from us. We will also explore how and why the timelines can shift, how certain timelines played out between 2020-2025, and the role humans play in this. It's time now to remember our truth and reclaim our highest timeline of awakening!
Eesha Patel specialises in the field of Galactic Consciousness. Eesha is here to facilitate the connection between humans and our Galactic Family. She is currently doing her PhD in UFO/UAP studies, focusing on intergalactic communications and diplomacy.
In 2015 set Eesha had a profound awakening and contact experience which kickstarted her journey of exploring consciousness. In her current role as Galactic Ambassador, Eesha liaises with over 20 different galactic races, humanoid and non-humanoid, and facilitates these connections for visionary leaders and pioneers of the New Earth. Through her powerful inter-dimensional connections, Eesha lends her services of activation and channelling to assist other leaders in bringing through powerful visionary tools, techniques, and technologies for healing and our greater evolution.
Eesha’s vision is peaceful open contact with our galactic family by 2027 and her mission is to lead this global awakening through her teaching, speaking, facilitation, and courses. Eesha’s galactic contact work has been featured in prominent media worldwide. Eesha Patel is available for mentoring, consultancy, and speaking. You can connect with Eesha Patel at www.eeshapatel.com.

Ella lebain

Evidence of the Secret Space Program
Ella will present evidence of the Secret Space Program that has been used to cover up what’s happening around the Sun. Also, connected to that program are the chemtrails, 5G and HAARP antennas, that work in concert with the Space Tech to obscure the objects around the Sun. This is a huge coverup that’s been going on since the Reagan Administration who started it. Ella will show graphics and videos showing the “Star Wars Program aka Solar Warden now under the auspices of Space Force” which includes but is not limited to weapons in space, and other surveillance tech.
Ella is an ET Experiencer, UFO Researcher author of a seven-book series, “Who's Who in The Cosmic Zoo? A Guide to ETs, Aliens, Exoplanets & Space Controversies” A Non-Fiction Book Series that Discerns Disclosure of Alien life and its effects on our Culture and Religions. https://www.whoswhointhecosmiczoo.com
Ella LeBain is originally from New York City and was educated in Israel. She received a Social Sciences Degree from the Biological Research Center of the Negev in 1979 a department of Ben Gurion University, where she was schooled in Biblical Hebrew and science, and then went on to receive an Astronomy Degree from the Hayden Planetarium in New York City in 1988 where she began her serious study of Cosmology. She spent two years working as a counselor and social worker assisting missionaries in apartheid South Africa during the early 1980s. Her close encounters caused her to dig deeper into what has become a 45-year journey to get to the truth about UFOs, Aliens, ETs, gods, and angels and how they all fit into our End Times scenario.
Ella has been involved in the field of UFO research, investigating alien abductions, paranormal activities while studying astronomy/astrology since 1979. Ella was orphaned at the age of 6 and 15, which left her open to experience multiple supernatural close encounters with a variety of interdimensional beings, which shaped the writing of her books.
For 25 years she made her living as Paralegal Researcher/Legal Assistant in NYC, Florida and Denver, Colorado, which taught her to how to compile and document her own Research on UFOs and the Alien Presence on Earth. As a result, Ella has collected massive amounts of information from a variety of sources since 1990, in addition to her own experiences documented and discussed into the Book set, proving the point that we have never been alone.
Disclosure of extraterrestrial and alien life is the Truth is Stranger than Fiction! Ella shares Proof that Star Wars and Star Trek are fact based on reality, not fiction. In her books and Panel Discussions, people learn the Truth about the real Star Wars program that’s been covered up for 70+ years. Ella identifies and discerns the aliens, intraterrestrials and interdimensional beings who share our planet, who are based “inside” the Earth and inside our Solar System. In her unique way, Ella connects the dots, to the ancient prophesies concerning ETs, Aliens, gods, and Angel at the end of this age, and how the presence of recently discovered Exoplanets within the ancient Nemesis-Nibiru System intersecting within our Solar System is changing our world as we know it. Welcome to the Space Age!
Margie Kay
The Dark Side of Ufology, Cryptid and Animal Mutilations
Margie Kay discusses strange, unusual, and frightening events that occurred to her and other investigators over the years and how the government is keeping tabs on anyone involved in such investigations. Margie shares how electronics malfunction on investigation sites, signals came through radios that are turned off, government wire taps are discovered, witnesses disappear, how MK Ultra mind control evidence is discovered, and how she was hit by an energy weapon, and has experienced invisible planes and helicopters and more. If you're considering becoming an investigator, you may wish to watch this first! You'd be surprised what lengths our government will go to to stop the truth from getting out!
The Frequency Conspiracy
How Rockefeller and our Government changed music, nearly stopped the Rife frequency study from getting out, and they control frequency and our way of life to Keep us Down, Ignorant, and work as their robotic slaves. I'll be covering 432 Hz, the Pineal Gland, the Rife Frequencies, the Chakras, what I see as frequency and color as a synesthede and how Everything is Frequency! I think that everything I've learned so far in life has led to this subject. A book will also be forthcoming.

The Med Bed Disinformation, Smart Meter Dangers, and More
Sheryl Arbogast, RN
Michelle Angel: Conspiracies and Cover-Ups. ​

Master of Ceremonies
Returning MC for the X Conference is Race Hobbs, Programming Director and Voice of the X. Race has over 20 years of experience in terrestrial and digital radio. He is also a veteran UFO investigator and creator of the Phenomenon Radio Show with Linda Moulton Howe and John Burrows.