UFO Chronicles Podcast
with Nik Hunter
Tuesday 2AM (EST)

UFO Chronicles Podcast is a first-hand witness encounter show of the strange and unexplained experiences told by ordinary people from around the world, sharing in a captivating long-form format. Everything from UFOs, The Paranormal, Cryptids and the Occult. This show is sincerely dedicated to searching for answers to the unknown. If it's strange and unexplained, it's not only covered, it's welcomed. If you have an encounter you would like to share on the show, you can email Nik Hunter at ufochronicles@gmail.com.
Host Bio
Nik Hunter is the host and producer of UFO Chronicles Podcast, which first aired in 2018. He has been involved in the UFO/Paranormal field in one form or another for over 25 years. Nik has had a deep-rooted borderline obsession with the unexplained, starting back in the 1980s when TV shows like Arthur C. Clarke's World of Strange Powers, the Twilight Zone, and early Spielberg films captured his imagination and propelled him into an uncharted territory of possibility. Nik started as a paranormal investigator (before it was cool) for a local group in his hometown that had ties to the Society for Psychical Research (SPR) in London. He later became a freelance UFO researcher and investigator and would often give local talks and lectures about UFO accounts and abductions. As well as hosting the podcast, he periodically consults for media projects for TV and film. Nik is well-traveled and has spent many years abroad, but now resides in the UK.