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Race Hobbs | The Un-X Network

Race Hobbs

Radio Show Guest  |  TV Show Guest  |  UFOs & The Paranormal

Race was founder and head of programming for KGRAdb Radio for over ten years and is the current programming director for The Un-X Network.

Race has researched and investigated the UFO phenomenon for over thirty years. In 1990, he was a witness to something very unusual over south Fort Smith. He wasn't sure what it was, but it was something that he had never seen before and spawned his curiosity into the UFO subject. He started The Fort Smith Arial Phenomenon Research Group in 1992, and began officially investigating sightings in the River Valley area. Race is one of thousands, perhaps millions, of people that have a true interest in the search for the truth regarding the UFO phenomenon and things unexplained. “I continue to look forward to the day we all know the truth about what has clearly been invading the air space, over our cities and towns, our military installations, and country sides with absolute impunity. One thing is for certain, UFOs have been here, UFOs are here, and everyday citizens from every walk of life are seeing them.”

Read his complete bio at the Un-X About Us page.

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