Dr. Paul H. Smith
Radio Show Guest | TV Show Guest | Conference Speaker
Paul H. Smith, Ph.D (Maj., US Army, ret) is a retired Army intelligence officer, Desert Storm veteran, and a seven-year alumnus of the Department of Defense’s Star Gate remote viewing (RV) psychic spy program. President and chief instructor for Remote Viewing Instructional Services, Inc., he is also a founding director and two-time past president of the non-profit International Remote Viewing Association. His book Reading the Enemy’s Mind (Tor/Forge 2005) was a Readers Digest Book Bonus Feature and Editors Choice selection. He is also author of The Essential Guide to Remote Viewing (Intentional Press, 2015) and co-produced the “LearnDowsing” and “Remote Perception” home study courses. He earned his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin in philosophy, focusing on philosophy of mind, consciousness, philosophy of science and philosophy of parapsychology. He also has a BA from Brigham Young University and an MS from the National Intelligence University (both concentrating in Middle East studies).
Paul has spoken at numerous academic and popular conferences, including those of the Society for Scientific Exploration, Society for Psychical Research, the International Remote Viewing Association, the Parapsychological Association, Paola Harris's "StarworksUSA," plus many more, and has been a member of conference organizing committees for the SSE, PA and IRVA. Paul is a frequent peer reviewer, book reviewer and consultant for psi- and especially remote viewing-themed peer reviewed publications (specifically the JSE and JP), as well as a presenter, occasional research participant, advisor, workshop leader and online instructor for the Rhine Research Institute.
He is a life member of the American Society of Dowsers, and a professional member of both the SSE and PA. Paul has been interviewed frequently on national and international media outlets, to include numerous appearances on Coast to Coast (with both Art and George), CBS News, the Travel Channel, A&E Network (where he taught Rob Lowe and his sons to remote view), History Channel, and sundry others. He also appears prominently in Caroline Cory's documentary, "Superhuman: The Invisible Made Visible."