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Celebrity UFO Sightings

By Violet Wisdom

When a celebrity publicly shares a UFO sighting it’s a headline. Most recently, Maxx Crosby, the Las Vegas Raider’s defensive end shared his sighting on the Jim Rome Show that occurred while flying to Miami. Dozens of news and entertainment outlets have reported on this. Of the several short versions I have read, Crosby’s sighting was treated with respect and sincerity. The real question here is, do celebrity UFO sightings help or harm the credibility of ufology and the call for full UFO/UAP transparency?

Dozens of celebrities have publicly shared both UFO/UAP and ET sightings including Alicia Keys, Nick Jonas and  Goldie Hawn. The Goldie Hawn interview with Entertainment ( about her contact experience can be seen here.

When celebrities become champions of causes they can often get more done than an average person because of their megaphone. Sometimes this is good, think of how aware we became of Parkinson’s because of Michael J Fox whose own charity has raised over $450 million for research. Of course, sometimes quite honestly someone famous taking up an important cause can definitely do more harm than good, especially if that person isn’t fully educated on the subject. 

In the end, celebrity headlines make great clickbait. A headline stating a celebrity has seen a UFO(s) is much more likely to get opened compared to one about your neighbor’s sighting. Unless, of course, your neighbor is a major league football player. Either way, having any subject in the news keeps it from being lost in the madness of the here today, forgotten tomorrow world of the information superhighway. 

We would love to hear from you! What are your thoughts on celebrity sightings? Comment below or on our social media. 

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