Paul Eno

Conference Speaker
Now marking 52 years in paranormal research, Paul Eno is one of the world’s most experienced and controversial supernatural adventurers. One of the first ghost investigators of the early 1970s, his early mentors included parapsychology pioneer Dr. Louisa Rhine, Fr. John J. Nicola S.J. (technical advisor for the film The Exorcist) and legendary, first-generation ghost hunters Ed & Lorraine Warren (of The Conjuring fame).
Paul graduated from two seminaries but, in 1977, was expelled from a third because of his paranormal work with less than two years to go before ordination. He ended up as an award-winning New England journalist, including six years as a news editor at The Providence Journal. A popular Fate Magazine author in the 1980s and 1990s, Paul has written numerous articles, and co-authored or contributed to five other books with authors Brad Steiger, Timothy Green Beckley, Tim Swartz and others. He is the author of eight books on the paranormal and two on history. Two of his earlier works (Faces at the Window: First-Hand Accounts of the Paranormal in Southern New England, New River Press, 1998; and Footsteps in the Attic: More First-Hand Accounts of the Paranormal in New England, New River Press, 2002) are considered classics of paranormal literature.
Two titles were co-authored with his son, colleague and radio co-host, Ben Eno (Behind the Paranormal: Everything You Know is Wrong, Schiffer Books, 2016; and Behind the Paranormal 2: Bigfoot, Mothman and Monsters you Never Heard Of, Barking Cat Books, 2017).
Paul’s latest book is Dancing Past the Graveyard: Poltergeists, Parasites, Parallel Worlds and God, Red Feather, 2019. The next, to appear in 2023 and co-authored with Ben, is Behind the Paranormal 3: Uneasy Skies, featuring their own UFO encounters and those of their most prominent radio guests.
Paul serves on the Experiencer Resource Team of the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) and the Research Committee of the Consciousness and Contact Research Institute (CCRI). Paul has appeared on the History, Discovery and Travel Channels, and numerous online productions. He and Ben have lectured all over America and in Europe.
Along with Ben, Paul has co-hosted the CBS Radio (2009-2014) and WOON 1240 AM/99.3 FM Boston/Worcester/Providence Sunday destination show “Behind the Paranormal with Paul & Ben Eno” for nearly 14 years. The show has an estimated three million listeners in 68 counties.