Paranormal Experienced
with KAt Hobson
Wednesdays 8PM (EST)

Also on the X: Listen to Kat host "Fate Magazine Radio", Sunday Nights at 8PM.
Paranormal Experienced with Kat Hobson covers paranormal experiences, haunted locations & their histories, high strangeness including cryptozoology, ufologists, psychics, mediums, authors & media personalities. Join her as she seeks to bring light to those things that exist by hiding in the dark.
Host Bio
Kat Hobson is owner of WBHM-DB Paranormal Experienced Radio, host of Paranormal Experienced with Kat Hobson since November 2014 & The Voice of Fate Mag Radio, the online voice of Fate Magazine since September 2018. She is also co-founder with her research partner Frank Lee of American Noetic Science Research Studies (ANSRS). With over a decade of work in the paranormal field (although she has had experiences her entire life) Kat is an investigator with C.A.S.P.I.R. (Central Alabama Society for Paranormal Investigations & Research) in Pell City, Alabama. She also investigates independently. She has been featured on the Travel Channel’s Portals to Hell (the two hour season two premier) from the Old Paulding Jail, been a guest as a featured podcaster on Coast to Coast AM Radio with George Noory, on Behind the Obsidian Curtain with Carole Carle, A Haunt Mess, Paranormalities and Ponderings, Paraversal Universe, Ghost Talk Radio, This Uncanny Earth, Vegas Supernatural, & many other programs. In addition to helping residential clients, she has also separately investigated many haunted locations from one coast to the other across the United States as well as internationally. A researcher in the field of UFOlogy as well, Kat has worked with long-time researchers in the field to build her knowledge base. She has focused on the history of abductions, the types & history of the craft being seen & experienced as well as how to conduct investigations of sightings of these events. Her exposure through covering many conferences, including the first two Alien Cons, Contact in the Desert & the UFO Congress & most recently the Scientific Coalition for UAP Studies (http://www.ExploreSCU.org/ event The Anomalous Aerospace Phenomena Conference has helped her understand the history of UAP research & experiencers histories. The recent information is fascinating to her & she loves discussing it!