Paranomaly Beyond Disclosure
with Todd Wayne & James Hallahan
Airing Tuesdays at 1AM (EST) (Monday Night/Tuesday AM)

Paranomaly Beyond Disclosure is a weekly podcast focusing on the Paranormal, Supernatural & Metaphysical. Join us for thought-provoking discussions on paranormal phenomena, conspiracies and all things unexplained, as we talk to Researchers and Investigators about Ghosts & Hauntings, UFOs & Aliens, Urban Legends, Cryptids, and so much more.
Todd Wayne
My name is Todd Wayne and I’ve been researching and investigating the paranormal for over 29 years. My first paranormal experience happened in 1981 but my paranormal journey didn’t officially start until 1996. Then In 2004 I became the founder and owner of Pasco Paranormal Research Society in Pasco County Florida and ran a successful and credible Paranormal Research and Investigation Team focusing on Business and Residential clients. I was also a Director of the National Paranormal Societies, Aliens and UFOs Department for a spell. I stepped down from Pasco Paranormal Research Society in 2018 to focus on my own life’s journey. Throughout those years I’ve researched and investigated hundreds of paranormal claims at locations throughout the state of Florida. During that time, I’ve encountered many strange anomalies and have compiled some very compelling evidence from my paranormal journeys. Now after all these years, I’d like to share my thoughts, opinions, stories and encounters about all things paranormal.

About the Show

We are a weekly podcast focusing on the Paranormal, Supernatural & Metaphysical. Join us for thought-provoking discussions on paranormal phenomena, conspiracies and all things unexplained, as we talk to Researchers and Investigators about Ghosts & Hauntings, UFOs & Aliens, Urban Legends, Cryptids, and so much more.
James Hallahan
My name is Jim Hallahan, and I’ve been an avid and serious researcher of the UFO phenomenon since 2013. Starting at around this same time I began to have regular and frequent CE5 contact experiences, as well as a variety of paranormal occurrences, which, in retrospect, were likely the same phenomenon. These experiences ultimately guided me down the proverbial Rabbit Hole, leading me to all things conspiracy, questions on the nature of reality and, most consequentially, spirituality. In addition to this, I wrote articles for the popular metaphysical website In5D.com on the subjects of dreams, synchronicity, conspiracy, etc. I consider my perspective and standpoint to be decidedly contrarian, sensing that for far too long ufology, exopolitics & paranormal research have been mired in orthodoxy, urgently requiring new thinking. It’s with this lens that I approach each topic on our podcast, inviting our listeners to explore alternative possibilities and perspectives which diverge from the conventional.