con Adán RodrÃguez

Not currently airing live on Un-X Network, but archived shows are available.
Este es un viaje para satisfacer mi curiosidad en varios temas, incluidos los fantasmas, el más allá, la vida extraterrestre, las habilidades psÃquicas, las teorÃas de la conspiración y todos los demás misterios, asà como temas relacionados con la salud y la mejora de la calidad de vida. No soy un escritor, autor o periodista, solo una mente curiosa que forma opiniones basadas en mis propias teorÃas. ​ Desde niño me fascinaron los temas relacionados con lo inexplicable, personalmente nunca he presenciado ni experimentado nada. A través de la curiosidad y una imaginación salvaje, he formado Mis propias teorÃas y espero escuchar los relatos de los testigos oculares y las teorÃas de los demás. 3PNR significa investigación neutral de 3 perspectivas. Las 3 perspectivas son yo mismo, el invitado y la audiencia. No tengo una posición sólida sobre ningún tema, abordo esto con una mente completamente abierta. No hablo de polÃtica y respetuosamente pido que no se mencione, también pido que todos respeten los pensamientos y opiniones de los demás.
Host Bios
​Louis Borges is a science researcher, speaker and enthusiast. He brings a facts-based approach to his research and has interviewed some of the biggest names in the field of science, astronomy and medicine. Louis is the former producer and co-host of UAP STUDIES Podcast which received over 1.5 Million views in less than 2 years. On this series, Louis is joined by co-host Marquise Williams to discuss amazing topics in science, technology, astronomy and physics. Louis is also a 3rd Degree FreeMason, a 32nd Degree "Scottish Rite" Mason , and members of the "York Rite", the "Cryptic Rite" and the Knight's Templar of Canada.
Marquise Williams is a visionary researcher, voice actor, eloquent speaker, and compelling writer with a deep passion for the future and the philosophical underpinnings that shape it. While not a scientist or philosopher by title, Marquise delves into the realms of futuristic science and technology, drawing inspiration from the Kardashev scale and the insights of pioneering visionaries. His voice has the power to transport listeners to imagined worlds, his writings provoke thought, and his speeches resonate with those curious about humanity’s potential. Guided by philosophical principles, Marquise contemplates the trajectory of humanity, always seeking to understand what lies beyond the horizon. Join him on a journey to explore the possibilities of tomorrow, both through research and the art of storytelling.