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Writer Guidelines

Un-X Magazine Writer Guidelines
Un-X Magazine accepts articles by seasoned writers. We only publish articles about paranormal and unexplained phenomena such as UFOs/UAPs, cryptid creatures, portals, ghosts, hauntings, time anomalies, strange travel locations, etc.
Write about your own experiences or interview other people and write about their encounters.
Submit your article in WORD format in 12-pt text using Garamond type and set your line spacing to 1.25. Use one space after sentences. Do not use contractions (i.e. don't). Do not include pictures, bold type, italics, art, underlining, all caps or font size changes in your article. If you have photos, they should be sent separately as an attachment as a jpg in high resolution for print.
The article should be edited and polished, spell and grammar checked and ready to go for print, only needing minor edits. By using WORD, you have access to the Editor located at the right top corner of the program. This will find repeated words, grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors as well as other items that are easy to miss.
All work should be your own. Only use short excerpts from other books (a paragraph or less) with full credit to the author or publication, if applicable. Photos or drawings must be your own or used with permission with copyright information included. If using anything from Wikimedia commons or the public domain, be sure to include the photo author information.
Please include a two or three sentence bio and head shot for credit.
Submit to Margie Kay, Managing editor at